Frankfurt School, Hyperdermic Needle:
'The Hypodermic Needle Theory suggests that the media ‘injects’ its messages straight into the audience with suggestions designed to trigger a specific desired response. The theory states the audience is entirely passive and is immediately affected by the media’s messages, as the Media’s hold over the public is so intense that the public is essentially unable to escape from its influence.'
Laura Mulvey:
Mulvey suggests that the audience view the films in two ways: voyeuristically and fetishistically. As audiences watch films without being watched by the characters they become onlookers of their lives. Therefore they become voyeurs of the people on screen. This can lead to two effects: objectification and narcissistic identification. Voyeurism involves turning the represented figure into a fetish so it becomes increasingly beautiful but more objectified.
Andrew Goodwin:
4. Star-In-Text (Goodwin): puts the star as the focus of the video, emphasis the stars persona (Madonna)
5. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (rock in rock videos)
6. Relationship between lyrics and video + Relationship between music and visual
7. Demands of the record label will include the need for lots of closes up of the artists etc..
8. Frequent reference to notion of looking (screens working screens, tvs, magazines etc) voyeuristic treatment of the female body
9. Often intertextual reference to films, TV etc..
10. They are 'hyper-real', 'reality' and visual experience (jumbled)
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