Monday, 30 September 2013


Frankfurt School, Hyperdermic Needle:
'The Hypodermic Needle Theory suggests that the media ‘injects’ its messages straight into the audience with suggestions designed to trigger a specific desired response. The theory states the audience is entirely passive and is immediately affected by the media’s messages, as the Media’s hold over the public is so intense that the public is essentially unable to escape from its influence.'


Laura Mulvey:
Mulvey suggests that the audience view the films in two ways: voyeuristically and fetishistically. As audiences watch films without being watched by the characters they become onlookers of their lives. Therefore they become voyeurs of the people on screen. This can lead to two effects: objectification and narcissistic identification. Voyeurism involves turning the represented figure into a fetish so it becomes increasingly beautiful but more objectified.


Andrew Goodwin:
4. Star-In-Text (Goodwin): puts the star as the focus of the video, emphasis the stars persona (Madonna)
5. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (rock in rock videos)
6. Relationship between lyrics and video + Relationship between music and visual 
7. Demands of the record label will include the need for lots of closes up of the artists etc..
8. Frequent reference to notion of looking (screens working screens, tvs, magazines etc) voyeuristic treatment of the female body 
9. Often intertextual reference to films, TV etc..
10. They are 'hyper-real', 'reality' and visual experience (jumbled)

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Advanced Music Video Mind Map

Radiohead - No surprises

Radiohead - No Surprises

Lyrics and music relate.
All in one shot.
Lights flashing with the music
Lyrics backwards so he read them
Drowning in his sorrows - helplessness, human life is fragile
Reincarnation, going back to the beginning.

Breaking or re-enforcing conventions - breaking conventions as it is about suicide, carbon monoxide, lethal in certain does

Concept and music - The concept is being trapped, committing suicide, resembling life. slow pace and aery music.

Image - Depressive and emotional image, designed to attract a mature audience.

“self-reflective” - reflective on his life, reflection on his face, watching his life flash before his eyes. suicidal reflection, looking back on his life.

Notion of looking - Goodwin, we are looking through the glass at him. focusing on the star - Star in text - Hyper real.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Concept Mood board

This mood board presents the shots and ideas we are going to have in our music video. The confetti and lights are the props we wish to use, along with the red party cups. The location is a cabin in the woods, therefore this is a picture from the internet that looks most like the cabin we are going to use. We have also included the boy girl romance picture, this will be a shot we are going to do towards the end of our video. There are out of focus shots also to represent how we will have some out of focus show, giving the drug effect.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Lyrics Storyboard

Intertextuality - Idea

Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness ft. MGMT

There are a few shots in the music video 'Kid Cudi - Pursuit Of Happiness ft. MGMT' that we want to do for our music video. 

The silver confetti is going to be part of our video, we want the confetti to be closer to the end of the video, to enforce that the end of the song is approaching.

This shot has given the inspiration, we liked the idea of having some shots of the Dj. Therefore this is a great shot to look at for ideas and inspiration.

Project X - MOVIE

We have got ideas from the movie 'Project X'. Project X has given us the ideas for what we want our characters to wear in the video. Casual clothing that has lots of colour and exposure, this will attract the younger audience by doing this.

We liked the shots of the main character around people, looking like he is possibly on drugs. Everything being out of focus, not alone.

Here again is a shot if a Vinyl, we wish to include this in our video, as we want to reinforce the artist Dave Anqii is a Dj. 

We liked the shots of people laughing and cheering in dark lighting, we want to put this into our video, to make it look like everyone is having a great time, that no one is alone, reinforcing the lyrics of the song.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Analysing Other Work

Start - to introduce the video. 

First Verse

Charlotte Hatherley - Bastardo

We think that 'The Midnight Dogs' would be a good act to perform before Charlotte at a concert, this is because they cover the same genre.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

RD - Do it Like Me

They are different because of they way they present themselves. They are wearing un-feminine dark clothing, that suggests they grungers, their music is more hip-hop therefore challenging and counteracting their look.
Target audience
Their target audience is urban street, they have put London in the back ground, however they are on what looks like an abandoned buildings roof, showing rebellion, that they are not supposed to be their, This is also reinforced by the shots of graffiti'ing and street art on buildings. An act that is illegal, showing rebellion against society.
analyse attitudes and values
They portray an aggressive attitude which contradicts the music, I believe their values and attitudes relate to a hip-hop culture which we analysed in teen sub-cultures. The values of power and being independent are clearly shown and with the style of video it enforces theses attitudes.

Hip-Hop - Teen Subculture

Hip Hop

Hip-Hop is a rap culture predominantly very American, Hip-Hop values and attitudes focuses arounds rap, graffiti, Dj'ing, money and style. Hip-Hop is a very criminal sub-genre with the main portion of the music being about money, drugs and women. They are feared by many mainstream cultures due to their fashion, aggressive behaviour and values, they go against the mainstreams values by enforcing bad behaviour. Hip Hop is a very competitive culture and is gang orientated, they are very extravagant wearing a lot of jewellery and driving sports car. This is a ego thing and is to try and out do and show other rappers how much they have. 'Rack City' by Tyga shows everything about the hip-hop culture and focuses on their values and attitudes.

Punk - Teen Subcultures

Punk is all about the crazy hairstyles and being an eyesaw. They generally want to rebel against society's norms and make a point about it.

This music video shows the punk rock look by the crazy spike hairstyles, tattoos, guitars, and location. They generally wear dark clothing with a hint of bright colour. The target audience is punk, as it is relatable, also a sense of rebellion being in an abandoned location, they are making people change.

They differ from mainstream by rebelling from it. There are some mainstream artists that genre in Punk for example Avril Lavigne. But most punk tracks are not mainstream as they are rebellions.

Hipsters - Teen Subculture


Hipsters like the lead an alternative lifestyle and focus on independent thinking. Hipsters combine a shaggy rough look with a smart twist, usually men can be found with messy hair, trimmed beard but wearing a tweed jacket and fitted jeans. This style creates contrast and takes them away from mainstream thinking. Many hipsters like to think of themselves as visionaries  seeing the bigger picture and living a free life. Many hipsters have degrees and are usually well educated and keep calm but quite judgemental attitudes and values.

Hipsters tend to listen to folk and indie music which is becoming very popular, an Irish folk indie band Of Monsters and Men are one loved by Hipsters. As you can see from the song there isnt much style represented but more of a greater 'meaning'.

Ravers-Nu Ravers - Teen Subcultures

Ravers wear neon clothing and like drugs. Their attitude is crazy, reckless and sexual.

This music video targets the audience of ravers, showing in the video the effects of drugs, also fantasy's  of sex. Also the colours of the clothing are loud and bright, therefore ravers tend to wear this type of clothing too.

They are mainstream to a certian extent, some ravers music is mainstream for example avicii, however there are also some artists like netsky that are not so mainstream.

Skaters - Teen Subculture


Skaters are a subculture who enjoy skating and can be commonly mistaken for punks. Skating comes from California and the fashion is very relaxed wearing jeans, t-shirts (vans or emerica) and skate shoes. Skaters can be grouped together by fashion, slang and style. Skaters have very chilled values and attitudes, with only an interest in skating. Their music is along the pop-punk, reggage-rock roots and is usually upbeat with tales of high school and skating.

In this music video 'Heaven is a Halfpipe' by OPM, the wholes song is about skating and you can see by the fashion; baggy shorts, vans, caps and skatebaords. 

Skaters do not want to be associated with mainstream style, they want to be free and this is shown in their attitude and style.

Chavs - Teen Subcultures

The values of chavs are low and they act disrespectful, they are always in large groups (gangs). Stereotypically boys that are poorly educated and live in poverty areas. 

This music video has a target audience to chavs because they are dressed in the same clothing, and move in large gangs of boys, there are multiple shots of high rise flats and poverty areas, allowing chavs to relate to the video.

They differ from mainstream as they are not valued highly in society, therefore not on the radio.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

DigiPack: Photoshop Vampire Weekend - 'Contra'

Step by Step

1. I opened the picture taken of me in photoshop.

2. I changed the lighting of the picture using curves and the photo filter, giving the yellowish tint to the picture, just like the original.

3. Next I used the colouring tool and used the soft fading brush to apply the purple. I done this in three different layers.

4. I then merged all three layers together and blurred the lines so that the colour looked smooth and blended.

5. I then put a warm yellow colour fade on the top to give a nice blended shade on the edit.

6. Lastly, I googled and downloaded the 'Futura' font that Vampire Weekend have used and added it to my edit. By doing this I also had to move the letters apart to match the original album cover by using adjustments.