Thursday, 23 January 2014




Final Outside Cover For Digi Pack

Final Digi-Pack Outside Design

How we made our final digi-pack design on Photoshop Cs6 software. 

We decided to keep to the same photo's from the my (Ellie's) draft as we agreed that it suited the theme more with a young male on a beach, looking through the male gaze like a reoccurring theme in our music video.

For the Front cover we decided to chose a different font that will suit the album cover theme more. We also used curves to adjust the lighting and contrast in the cover, but did not want to adjust it too much so reverted more so the the colours that were first edited.

We also changed the font in the Back cover to match the front, by doing this it shows consistancy.

After editing both sides we changed the size of the canvas and placed both sides on the canvas. By grouping the layers to move the images as a whole.

We carefully lined up the horizon of the sea when adding the background cover as this is important for the panoramic view. To give the effect of before and after the wave has hit.

By adding the line of separation it highlights the front and the back cover better, making the image flow. 

Inside Digi-pack Design

Final Digi-Pack Design

Here is how our final Digi-pack inside was created using Photoshop CS6.

I started off with a blank CD template found on Google.

We had previously created a 3D squares pattern in photoshop which we have since coloured. We uploaded and masked this into the CD template, adjust the size slightly.

We then increased the canvas size by 200% Width and moved the CD cover over to where the CD would be. We also added the text 'Never Be Alone' to the CD, adding a slight banner behind it but lowering the opacity.

We then again used the 3D Square design, this time the blue design to use a background for the inside. We made it blue to link to the beach photo that was going to be used for the cover.

Finally we added the custom logo that was designed for the website in, this again keeps branding consistent and enhances Dave Anqii's image. We added a small white spine to show the break between the images, finally adding Dave Anqii's name to the design.

Final Website

Here is our Final Website

Designing The Website

Title & Banner Design: We wanted to title of the page to be very eye catching so thats why we designed the '3D Square Background'. We were going for a simplistic graphic design style which seemed to be a very effective style in this genre, much like Steve Angello's & Swedish House Mafia's Websites.

We added the custom logo and created the banner to our specification, on the right sight we added all forms of social media and later we added a buy it on itunes button. These forms of buttons help create a network for dave anqii and works towards gaining a wider audience. As Dave anqii is a Swedish DJ we added welcome in english and swedish to portray him as a more european house producer, this image works well as we looked at artists like Avicii, Alesso etc..
We finally edited the text to 'Dave Anqii' and 'Never be alone, just to add a running theme and promote our artist.

Embedding our Video: We wanted our music video to be a key point and focus of the website, we embedded the video from youtube to be the centre tile of our Website. 

Embedding our Track: We wanted to track to start playing in the background when the site is loaded, we embedded the song 'Never Be Alone' off of sound-cloud. We then set it to auto-play.

Embedding our Track: We wanted to track to start playing in the background when the site is loaded, we embedded the song 'Never Be Alone' off of sound-cloud. We then set it to autoplay.

Filling the Website: After we'd linked all the icons and designed the look of the website we filled out the other pages with all information about Dave Anqii, we also created live tour dates as an empale. 

DA Logo Design for the Website

For our website we wanted to brand Dave Anqii with a small custom logo, something simplistic yet something that would work into the website.

 To off with I designed a white circle on top of a black background, making sure to drag rulers to guide where the exact middle is.

 I then Scaled and implemented text with 'DA', it was a custom text font that was edited to suit the genre and style of Dave Anqii.

 I then created a clipping mask and edited the text to give it a stoke.

 This gave me a logo that would let make the DA transparent, allowing our square design to show throw.

Designing The Background For The Website

Here are the initial sketches for the 3D square design, It was an experiment to see what it would look life. We both liked the idea and agreed that a mock-up in photoshop would help us visualise it digitally.

To create the Background of the website we made coloured squares that almost look 3D. The colour used in the squares reflect the lights and colours used in the music video from the party lights and props. I made these squares by using the 'polylasso tool' to create the shape and filling it with colour. If the shapes were slightly out of line with one another, I moved them slightly with the arrow keys to accurately place them next to one another.

After creating the initial three 3D squares we could then carry on merging and duplicating the layers and placing them next to each other forming eventually creating a full canvas of 3D squares.

Carrying the Design further, duplicating into groups and lining up carefully so that there are no gaps between the blocks.

Finally merging all layers into a group and duplicating the group twice to get rid of any gaps that were slightly visible.

By Keeping the groups we are then able to change the colours of the blocks easily without having to repeat the whole process.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Final Cut : Dave Anqii : Never Be Alone


Thursday, 16 January 2014

Final Editing

After gathering a lot of feedback and ideas from the rough cut we set to work on creating our Final Cut Music Video.

We used Final Cut Pro X to edit the video, we started chopping in narrative over the multi-clipped party scene. We had to work it in with the multi-clip cuts to keep an upbeat pace, we also applied several effects.

We filmed some establishing shots early that week which we'd already stabilised in After Effects, Once cut into the narrative we over-layed an intro logo to really sell the image and song. These are various screen shots of us adjusting multi-clips and cutting in the narrative.

After attending a BFI seminar with Corin Hardy we saw an Effect we just wanted to use, in his 'Skip To The Good Bit' Video he used this title effect:

We Designed the Piece in Photoshop, We then chose the font and layout in a 1280x720 canvas.

We added in the sing title

Before Adding in a gold clipping mask to give the text texture, we also added a small stroke at this point.

Finally we added shadow and exported in final cut.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

After Effects CS6 : Warp Stabilisation

After Effects CS6 : Warp Stabilisation

We wanted to have smooth pans of our location/establishing shots at the start of the music video. We wanted that hollywood look of super smooth pans, what you would achieved by using a Jib. Since we had no where near the budget to hire or buy a Jib we went to After Effects.

Here is the Original Shot, as you can see it was shot using a handheld tripod and it quite shaky, as we filmed on top of a roof a tripod was near enough impossible to use. To fix this we dragged the clip in to After Effects CS6.

Once imported we created a new composition with the same aspect ration as out film, 1280x720p shooting at 24fps.

Then We applied a Warp Stabiliser Effect

After Effects then analysed the footage, it then figures out how to create a smooth motion. When shooting it is important we kept in mind that it may be a little bit cropped, this is why we would always frame the shot wider than needed.

Once it finished processing we fine tuned the motion settings before adding a colour correction. As the footage was slightly the graining and desaturated we wanted to make it vibrant and full of colour. Much like the rest of the video. By making a S-Curve in the RGB curve effect it lightens the lights and lowers the lows given a perfect contrast.


Clip Before Edit:

Clip After Edit: