Title & Banner Design: We wanted to title of the page to be very eye catching so thats why we designed the '3D Square Background'. We were going for a simplistic graphic design style which seemed to be a very effective style in this genre, much like Steve Angello's & Swedish House Mafia's Websites.
We added the custom logo and created the banner to our specification, on the right sight we added all forms of social media and later we added a buy it on itunes button. These forms of buttons help create a network for dave anqii and works towards gaining a wider audience. As Dave anqii is a Swedish DJ we added welcome in english and swedish to portray him as a more european house producer, this image works well as we looked at artists like Avicii, Alesso etc..
We finally edited the text to 'Dave Anqii' and 'Never be alone, just to add a running theme and promote our artist.
Embedding our Video: We wanted our music video to be a key point and focus of the website, we embedded the video from youtube to be the centre tile of our Website.
Embedding our Track: We wanted to track to start playing in the background when the site is loaded, we embedded the song 'Never Be Alone' off of sound-cloud. We then set it to auto-play.
Embedding our Track: We wanted to track to start playing in the background when the site is loaded, we embedded the song 'Never Be Alone' off of sound-cloud. We then set it to autoplay.
Filling the Website: After we'd linked all the icons and designed the look of the website we filled out the other pages with all information about Dave Anqii, we also created live tour dates as an empale.