Thursday 23 January 2014

Final Outside Cover For Digi Pack

Final Digi-Pack Outside Design

How we made our final digi-pack design on Photoshop Cs6 software. 

We decided to keep to the same photo's from the my (Ellie's) draft as we agreed that it suited the theme more with a young male on a beach, looking through the male gaze like a reoccurring theme in our music video.

For the Front cover we decided to chose a different font that will suit the album cover theme more. We also used curves to adjust the lighting and contrast in the cover, but did not want to adjust it too much so reverted more so the the colours that were first edited.

We also changed the font in the Back cover to match the front, by doing this it shows consistancy.

After editing both sides we changed the size of the canvas and placed both sides on the canvas. By grouping the layers to move the images as a whole.

We carefully lined up the horizon of the sea when adding the background cover as this is important for the panoramic view. To give the effect of before and after the wave has hit.

By adding the line of separation it highlights the front and the back cover better, making the image flow. 

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