Monday 16 December 2013

Digi Pack Research

I have done some research into other digi-packs from well known and successful artists to gain inspiration for our own digi-pack. It is clear that each digi-pack is created to focus on the main artist. Rihanna has close up's of her face on most of her cd covers. Therefore we wanted to do the same in our digi pack as this focuses the attention to the artist. 

A lot of digi-packs have a background theme to them, such as Rihanna and Michael Jackson. We liked this idea because it made the covers stand out and look much more attractive above the rest. As a result of this we decided to use an image that  gave the same effect. A beach and someone sitting in the middle looked the best for our video.

We changed the inside of our Digi pack from the outside, by creating coloured blocks to match our website, on photoshop cs6. This was influenced mostly by Michael Jacksons Digipack being more eye-popping on the inside.

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