Thursday 14 November 2013

Multi-clipping Never Be Alone Draft

Here is our multi-clipped or multi-cam edit of our music video, the narrative side of it has not been added yet as some shots are missing. Me and Ellie worked together last night developing our skills in Final Cut Pro X Multi-cam, as seen from the screenshots.

We found it difficult to cut to the speed of the music in some areas of the song, we had to slow the whole thing down to match the beat.

Here is the multi-clip edit:

Here are some screen shots of multi-clipping and experimenting with colour grading. 

This screen shot is of a colour grade we were testing out, we watched youtube tutorials to find out how to personalise a colour grade, this then gave us the freedom to get a natural gradient.

These two screen shot are of us multi clipping, we took in turns to do this enabling us to learn and practice our skills with this technique.

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